so where has she been keeping that box with thread and stuff? up her butt? I mean lol I love how things just appear out of thin air. this has got to be hell! or some really bizarre dimension they went thru and didn’t realize it but IM thinking hell it just makes so much sense now. I don’t know why it didn’t occur to me sooner!
Make him a new leather jacket, too!
The Green Gang!
Ooh. That’s got infection written all over it.
You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours. Oh wait, I don’t need you, what with my backwards arm and all.
so where has she been keeping that box with thread and stuff? up her butt? I mean lol I love how things just appear out of thin air. this has got to be hell! or some really bizarre dimension they went thru and didn’t realize it but IM thinking hell it just makes so much sense now. I don’t know why it didn’t occur to me sooner!