Scotty: “[thinks] I need that boat. It’s Tom’s fault I destroyed all the others, but by careful forethought, I saved the good boat for myself for Tom to paddle. But Rosemary preempted it. Now, how do I get my boat back without having to do anything myself. Rosemary won’t paddle it back for me. So, either I get Tom to retrieve it, or we wait for a cyclone. Cyclone would be good, if it took the wicked witch with it…”
Scotty: “[thinks] I need that boat. It’s Tom’s fault I destroyed all the others, but by careful forethought, I saved the good boat for myself for Tom to paddle. But Rosemary preempted it. Now, how do I get my boat back without having to do anything myself. Rosemary won’t paddle it back for me. So, either I get Tom to retrieve it, or we wait for a cyclone. Cyclone would be good, if it took the wicked witch with it…”